How long is it better to take mosapride citrate tablets before meals

Mosapride citrate tablets are recommended to be taken about 15 minutes before a meal and 15 minutes after taking the medication before eating a meal. Mosapride Citrate Tablets are used to treat functional dyspepsia with gastrointestinal motility deficiency. If you have symptoms of gastrointestinal dyspepsia, it is recommended that you eat regularly and in small portions, and do not eat too much at one time, and it is recommended that you eat about seven minutes of fullness at each meal. Do not rest immediately after the meal, it is recommended to stand up and appropriate activities, you can massage the stomach with your hands to speed up the gastrointestinal power, and then especially before going to bed do not eat too much, try to eat a small amount of fruit after dinner, do not eat two hours before bed, so as to prevent the occurrence of gastric distension and acid reflux.

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