Does UTI affect fertility in men

Whether male uremia affects fertility is related to factors such as the severity of the disease. If the patient is in the early stage of UTI without serious complications, it may not affect fertility; if the patient’s condition is more serious and there is damage to the whole body system, it may affect fertility at this time.
Uremia is the end stage of various kidney diseases, and its inability to metabolize various toxins and excess water may affect various body systems. If there is no serious complication in the early stage of uremia, fertility may not be affected at this time; if the patient has cardiovascular, endocrine and other systemic damage, and some patients may have hypogonadism, which may affect fertility at this time.
In addition, the late stage of uremia may cause the patient’s sperm count to decline, the quality of the sperm decreases, and in severe cases may lead to an increase in the number of malformed sperm, which will also have a certain impact on fertility.
Uremia patients are recommended to go to the regular hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor to give targeted treatment or treatment.

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