Can a one-year-old baby eat passion fruit

1-year-old baby can properly eat some passion fruit, because passion fruit itself is rich in nutrients, containing a large number of vitamins, amino acids, etc., and the taste is also very good, you can squeeze into the right amount of passion fruit juice, to give the baby vitamin supplements, while supplementing protein, fat, carbohydrates and trace elements and so on. In addition, passion fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C and potassium, against some harmful microorganisms to play a role in the fight against inflammation. But in the baby to eat passion fruit to pay attention to: 1, do not give the baby to eat directly, because passion fruit has a lot of small seeds, 1-year-old baby’s swallowing, chewing ability is not very perfect, may cause accidental inhalation or choking phenomenon, it is best to make the baby into water to drink; 2, do not eat a large amount at once, because the passion fruit itself is relatively high in sugar and acidity, the baby’s sense of taste is in the formation of Time, it is recommended not to give the baby to eat more of this flavor stimulating food, so the baby’s sense of taste will have some impact on the formation; 3, some babies may be relatively weak gastrointestinal, if you eat more passion fruit seeds, may stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, will cause gastrointestinal discomfort, or may appear acid reflux, loss of appetite and other phenomena. Passion fruit itself is a cool food, which may cause abdominal discomfort to occur. So 1-year-old baby can drink some passion fruit water in small amounts, but it is not recommended to eat a large amount of passion fruit directly, otherwise it may affect the normal digestive function of the baby.

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