What is the price of Hemorrhoidal Shuning Tablets

The price of hemorrhoid speeding tablets is usually around 10 to 20 yuan, due to the influence of different manufacturers, different regions and other factors, the price has some fluctuations, it is recommended to refer to the local regular drugstore. Hemorrhoids Quick Ning Tablets is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, the main ingredients are Ampelopsis, acacia flowers, five times, black beans, pig bile cream. The main effect is detoxification and anti-inflammatory, stop bleeding and pain, reduce swelling and laxative, contraction of hemorrhoid nucleus. It is used for internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, anal fissure and so on. During the period of taking the medicine, it is advisable to abstain from drinking alcohol and fried, spicy and stimulating food. Hemorrhoids have a recurring situation, in taking hemorrhoids fast Ning tablets can also be used with some external hemorrhoid cream, the effect will be a little better. In the use of the time must pay attention to follow the doctor’s instructions, do not blindly use the drug at home.

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