How much is a box of Musk Rejuvenation Cream?

A box of Musk Huiyang Cream is about between $30.00 and $60.00, the price will vary depending on different specifications, packaging, manufacturers, regions and distributors, so please refer to the price of your local regular medical institution. Musk Huiyang Cream has the efficacy of subduing swelling, opening the orifices and dispersing blood stasis. Musk Huiyang Cream is composed of white aconite, trigonelline, dandelion, peach kernel, rhubarb, croton, cinnamon, etc. It has the effect of subduing swelling, clearing the orifices and dispersing stasis. It has the efficacy of subduing swelling, clearing the orifices, dispersing blood stasis, draining pus, regenerating muscle and sterilizing and antiseptic. It is used for lumbago, hitching back, deviated mouth, opposite mouth, injured hand, carbuncle sore, burn, yellow water sore, all boils (a kind of skin disease, refers to the degree of serious furuncle), and malignant sores. It should be noted that the ointment should not be roasted by fire. If there is a need for medication, it should be used under the guidance of a doctor’s diagnosis, and should not be used blindly on its own to avoid adverse consequences.

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