Coughing at night is a cold cough or a hot cough

A strong cough at night may be a cold cough or a heat cough. Usually under normal circumstances, Chinese medicine practitioners believe that if there is a deficiency of yin in the patient’s body, when yang qi returns to the body at night, it will lead to a more severe degree of yin deficiency, which in turn makes it easier to develop a deficiency-heat cough. Patients with coughs are usually accompanied by night sweats (abnormal sweating after going to sleep, which stops when they wake up) and heat in the hands, feet and heart. However, since Chinese medicine believes that the first half of the night is the yin of yin, which is a relatively weak time for yang, if the patient also appears to have cold limbs, phlegm white and thin, etc., it may also be a cold cough. Therefore, just coughing at night can not determine the specific cause of the disease, need to be based on other accompanying symptoms to be considered in a comprehensive manner. If the patient has symptoms of coughing at night, should actively seek medical advice, and under the guidance of the doctor to carry out the relevant examination and treatment.

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