Is blood pressure 138/88 normal?

Blood pressure of 138/88mmHg is not normal and is a normal high value. The normal range of blood pressure in adults is less than 120mmHg systolic and less than 80mmHg diastolic. 120-139mmHg systolic and 80-89mmHg diastolic are normal high values. Blood pressure 138/88mmHg, it is easy to develop into hypertension. It is recommended to develop good living and eating habits, low-salt diet, weight control, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, exercise properly, quit smoking and limit alcohol, and avoid staying up late. Usually you can drink chrysanthemum tea, celery juice, rooibos tea and other drinks that have certain auxiliary antihypertensive effects. If the blood pressure develops further and the systolic pressure is greater than 140 mmHg, and or diastolic pressure is greater than 90 mmHg, it is designated as hypertension, and oral antihypertensive drugs are required if necessary. Commonly used antihypertensive drugs include hydrochlorothiazide, enalapril, nifedipine, irbesartan, amlodipine, etc.

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