What to eat on the first day of labor

The following foods can be eaten on the first day after childbirth: 1. You can drink millet porridge, because on the first day after childbirth, the digestive function of the intestines is still weak, and millet porridge is easier to digest and has a higher nutritional value, which can reduce the digestive burden of the intestines and avoid the symptoms of indigestion. 2. You can drink chicken soup, because during the process of childbirth, the mother will consume too much physical energy and her body will be weak. The body will be relatively weak, chicken soup is rich in nutritional value, can replenish nutrition, relieve the relatively weak phenomenon. 3, can eat egg custard, egg custard is rich in protein, as well as mineral elements, these nutrients are also easily absorbed by the intestinal tract, is more suitable to eat after childbirth food. You should also eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to replenish vitamins, which can promote the recovery of the uterus and the body.

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