Can you take red ginseng with white frost on it?

Whether white frost on red ginseng can be taken depends on whether the white frost on red ginseng is sugar frost or moldy mildew, if it is sugar frost then it can be taken, if it is moldy mildew, not only does it not have the efficacy of treating diseases after taking it, but it may also be harmful to the body.
If the white frost on red ginseng is a layer of frost, it can be taken, but most of the time, white frost on red ginseng is due to improper storage, resulting in red ginseng moisture and mold, generally can be smelled to distinguish the white frost frost is frost or moldy, if it is moldy, then it is not recommended to take in order not to be harmful to health.
Red ginseng has the effects of tonifying the vital energy, generating body fluid, tonifying the spleen and lungs, and calming the spirit and benefiting the intellect. However, it should be noted that long-term overdose of red ginseng may cause adverse reactions such as diarrhea, rash, nervousness, insomnia, and elevated blood pressure, etc. In addition, red ginseng is not suitable to be used in conjunction with quinoa and wulingzhi.
If you need to take red ginseng, please do so under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner.

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