What’s wrong with itchy ears?

There are two main possibilities for itchy ears: First, there is a large amount of earwax in the patient’s external ear canal, and the patient does not clean it regularly. Sometimes when washing hair or taking a bath, water enters the external ear canal, which can easily infect the patient’s ear canal and cause itching. In terms of treatment, patients are advised to go to the hospital to flush the external ear canal and thoroughly clean the earwax in the external ear canal. The second factor to consider is eczema, which is usually related to the patient’s personal constitution and the frequently moist environment of the ear canal, where the patient’s itching is particularly pronounced and sometimes unbearable with the flow of yellow water. Treatment must ensure that the external ear canal is dry and clean, avoid water and ear digging, and apply zinc oxide cream or glucocorticoid cream to the ear canal to effectively treat eczema. In daily life, you should also learn how to protect your ears. It is best not to dig your ears too often, handle the water that enters your ears correctly, and wipe gently with a cotton swab to avoid ear inflammation.

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