What should I do if I vomit when I go into the bathroom?

Pregnancy vomiting during pregnancy is a common phenomenon, especially during early pregnancy, relatively sensitive to odors, poor air circulation in the toilet may stimulate pregnant women to have pregnancy vomiting, generally no need to worry about, pregnancy vomiting during pregnancy can be regulated by general treatment and medication. 1. General treatment: pay attention to avoid the stimulation of odors, away from the choking odor, after vomiting to remove vomit in a timely manner, to maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity, you can use warm boiled water to clean the oral cavity. Divert attention and relieve tension. If you enter the toilet on pregnancy vomiting, you can improve the environment and air condition of the toilet, strengthen the air convection, generally can be relieved. 2. Treatment with medication: pregnant women with severe vomiting, not only in the toilet vomiting, ordinary life is also severe vomiting, can take medication under the guidance of the doctor for treatment, such as vitamin B6 tablets and so on. Pregnant women should pay attention to good conditioning measures during pregnancy, adhere to the principle of light diet, maintain a happy mood, avoid tension and anxiety and other phenomena.

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