Does a burn granulation count as healing?

Scalding granulation trauma is generally a trauma repair process, counting as one of the processes of trauma healing. Wound healing refers to the recovery process after the body suffers from external forces, the skin and other tissues are defective, disjointed, including a variety of tissue regeneration, granulation tissue proliferation and scar formation. Burns are skin wounds, and the basic process of healing includes four stages: early changes in the wound, wound contraction, granulation tissue proliferation and scar formation, and regeneration of the epidermis and other tissues. Granulation tissue proliferation and scar formation begins about the third day after the burn, the granulation tissue can grow from the bottom and edge of the wound and fill the wound, the granulation tissue has no nerves, so there is no sensation. Thereafter, collagen fibers will continue to increase, and the scar formation process occurs, about 1 month after the injury, the scar is completely formed. Therefore, the burn granulation wound is part of the healing process.

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