How big is the fetus in the fifth month of pregnancy

The biparietal diameter of the fetus in the 5th month of pregnancy is 4.9-5.3cm, the length of the fetus is 18-25cm, and the weight is between 300-500g.
Since the size of the fetus is affected by a variety of factors, there is no specific regulation in the clinic. Generally speaking, the difference between the size of the fetus in ultrasound examination and the normal gestation month is within 2 weeks, which is mostly normal.
The 5th month of pregnancy belongs to the middle stage of pregnancy, and all organs of the fetus have developed, but they are not well developed and cannot survive after birth.
In the middle of pregnancy, the fetal skin surface will appear fetal fat, and the whole body is covered with cui-ui hair, also has appeared swallowing, urination, pregnant women themselves can also feel the fetal movement.
Therefore, the fifth month of pregnancy is also the best time to carry out the first major detector.

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