What’s wrong with the pain inside my chest?

Hidden pain inside the chest may be caused by trauma, angina pectoris, pleurisy, lung cancer, bronchial dilatation, reflux esophagitis and so on. 1. Trauma: Hidden pain in the chest can occur after the chest is hit, squeezed, shocked, fallen and other traumas, resulting in damage to the ribs, tissues and organs in the chest cavity. 2. Angina pectoris: after atherosclerotic lesions of coronary arteries, resulting in narrowing of the lumen, the myocardial cells are in ischemia and hypoxia for a long period of time, which may cause vague pain in the chest. 3. Pleurisy: bacterial infection, tuberculosis, connective tissue disease, malignant tumor, etc., which involve the pleura and lead to pleural inflammatory exudation and adhesion, may cause vague pain in chest. 4. Lung cancer: there is no obvious symptom in early stage of lung cancer, but in middle and late stage of lung cancer, the invasion of lung cancer to chest wall will stimulate local nerves and cause vague pain in chest. 5. Bronchial dilatation: Chronic inflammation of bronchial tubes and other factors lead to the destruction of the supporting structure of bronchial tubes wall, bronchial dilatation, and long-term coughing, coughing up sputum, chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms. 6. Reflux esophagitis: gastric acid and other gastric contents reflux into the esophagus, corrosion of the esophageal mucosa, resulting in esophageal ulceration, erosion and other changes, can appear in the chest hidden pain. The constant pain in the chest may be related to a variety of factors, and it is recommended to consult a doctor for a clear diagnosis.

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