Why do you feel dizzy at night?

Dizziness at night may be caused by physiological factors such as mental stress and inappropriate pillow height. It may also be caused by otolithiasis, cervical spondylosis and other diseases. 1. Physiological factors: If the recent mental stress, sleep pillow height is not suitable, long-term late night, etc., may lead to dizziness at night. It is recommended to keep a suitable pillow height when sleeping and maintain a stable emotional state to improve the symptoms of dizziness. 2. Otolithiasis: caused by otoliths falling off to the inner ear balance system, if you suffer from otolithiasis, it will lead to sudden dizziness, nystagmus and other symptoms after a change in head position or body position. 3. Cervical spondylosis: patients with cervical spondylosis have cervical degeneration and disc herniation, which may lead to mechanical or kinetic compression of the vertebral artery when sleeping at night, so that the vertebral-basilar artery is not sufficiently supplied with blood, which induces dizziness, nausea and vomiting, neck pain, and restriction of neck movement. Patients who suffer from dizziness at night, after excluding physiological factors, are advised to go to the hospital in time for relevant examinations to clarify the causes and then carry out targeted treatment.

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