What are the side effects of going on Mannheimer’s at age 50

Menstrual changes such as spotting, decreased menstruation, and even amenorrhea may result from going on Mannual at age 50. The Mannual, or levonorgestrel IUD system, is a T-shaped stent made of polyethylene that stores the synthetic progestin levonorgestrel, and has an outer covering that enables the continuous slow release of levonorgestrel to do its job. As it contains mainly synthetic progesterone, this causes changes in menstruation in the form of spotting and reduced menstrual flow. When the drug acts on the endometrium to inhibit endometrial proliferation, thinning of the endometrium may cause amenorrhea. Also some women may experience weight gain. It is recommended that women in their 50’s consult a medical professional before taking Mannitol and seek medical attention for any adverse reactions.

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