What’s with the hard lumps in the pit of your stomach?

Hard lumps in the mouth of the stomach need to be considered normal and abnormal conditions. Normal conditions include the xiphoid process, overfeeding, etc. Abnormal conditions include skin masses, stomach tumors, and stomach stones.
1. Normal situation: the stomach is mainly located under the xiphoid process, if the xiphoid process is mistaken for a hard lump; overeating can lead to slow gastric emptying, which feels like a hard lump.
2. Abnormal situation: generally can feel the swelling is mostly skin swelling (such as lipoma, sebaceous cysts, etc.), mostly no discomfort; stomach tumor is only large enough to be able to feel, need to be combined with gastroscopy, abdominal ct, etc. clear; stomach stones are large and the abdominal wall is relatively weak patients may also feel, need to be combined with chest X-ray, gastroscopy, etc. clear.
For the case of hard lumps in the stomach, it is recommended to consult a doctor to clarify the specific cause.

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