How to get rid of underarms with paraplegia

Paramastia in the armpits can be eliminated by paramastectomy and liposuction. Paramastia usually does not have too much impact on life and body function, and if the symptoms are not very obvious, there is no need for surgical treatment. If the symptoms of paratesticular breasts under the armpits are more serious and seriously affect the aesthetics, it is recommended to go to a regular cause for surgical excision treatment. 1. Paramastectomy: generally refers to the elimination of underarm paratits by directly removing the skin, fat tissue, breast tissue, etc. from the paratits. 2. Liposuction: Generally, a drainage tube is introduced into the paratesticular breast to suction out the fat of the paratesticular breast to eliminate the paratesticular breast. Minor patients are not allowed to undergo surgical treatment due to imperfect development of breast tissues. In addition, it is recommended to avoid spicy and greasy food in diet. In daily life, appropriate sports can be carried out, such as chest expansion exercise, dumbbell exercise, etc. If the patient’s underarm paratesticular breasts appear obvious swelling, pain and other symptoms, should go to the hospital in time.

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