Red Date and Silver Fungus Soup Calories

The calorie content of every 100g of red date and silver fungus soup is around 33 kcal.
Red dates and silver fungus soup is a common food, its calorie is low, about 100g of red dates and silver fungus soup calorie in 33 kcal. Whether it is a normal person or a weight loss crowd, it can be consumed appropriately and will not cause obesity.
At the same time, jujube and silver ear soup also contains a variety of nutrients, a brand of jujube and silver ear soup, for example, every 100g jujube and silver ear soup has 0.65g protein, 0.08g fat, 8.24g carbohydrates, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals, appropriate consumption is conducive to good health.
It is recommended to pay attention to the rationality of diet, weight loss period can be appropriate to eat some red dates and silver ear soup, will not affect the effect of weight loss. Diabetic patients are recommended to eat no added sugar or sugar substitute made of jujube fungus soup, so as not to affect blood sugar.
In addition to jujube and silver fungus soup, you should also strengthen the nutritional intake, to avoid too single diet.

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