What to do if you can’t eat and have no appetite when you’re pregnant

Pregnancy can not eat, no appetite belongs to the early pregnancy reaction, you can adjust the living environment, try to avoid fasting, appropriate activities, adjust the diet structure to ease the symptoms of early pregnancy reaction. 1. Adjust the living environment: minimize exposure to irritating odors in your life, such as perfume, heavily scented laundry detergent, oil smoke and other special smells. 2. Try to avoid fasting: even if you don’t have an appetite, you need to eat a small amount of cookies, fruit juice, rice porridge and other easy-to-digest food so as to avoid a feeling of fasting, otherwise it will make the pregnant woman even more unappetizing. Early pregnancy is concerned about small meals, food to like to eat, have an appetite for the main, early pregnancy embryonic development of the nutrients needed can be absorbed from the mother, do not need additional food supplements. 3. Moderate activities: always indoors is not conducive to the physical and mental health of pregnant women, it is recommended to go outdoors at the right time, the environment is good, people are not crowded place activities to help digestion. 4. Adjust the eating structure: Try to diversify your diet during early pregnancy, and changing food every day can increase your appetite. During pregnancy, you should follow the doctor’s instructions to take obstetric checkups on time, and if you feel unwell, you should go to the hospital in time and follow the doctor’s instructions to deal with the treatment.

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