What is the normal value of pus cells in a stool test?

In general, the normal value of pus cells in fecal tests is zero, i.e. negative, and the abnormal value is high. 1. Normal value is negative: because normal people usually do not have blood, pus and mucus in the feces, so the normal value of white blood cells and occult blood in fecal routine is zero or negative. 2. Abnormal value is high: if the test result shows high pus cells, and the patient is accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever and other clinical symptoms, the first thing to consider is that the enteritis caused by bacterial infection, once there is pus in the stool, it should be timely to do a fecal culture, diagnosis as soon as possible, and targeted treatment. It is recommended that when pus cells are found in the results of stool tests, the cause of the disease should be identified as soon as possible under the guidance of a doctor, and treatment should be carried out in a timely manner, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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