How long does it take to heal from periapical infection after killing the nerve?

There is no authoritative information on how long it takes to get well after killing the nerve in periapical infection, usually about one month, the specific time should be judged according to the patient’s condition. It is recommended that patients with periapical neurorrhaphy pay attention to oral care and adjust their diet. At present, there is no clear clinical data on the recovery time after killing the nerve of apical periapical infection, most patients will be relieved of pain in 1~2 days after killing the nerve, but the disease can only be recovered in about a month, but the specific recovery time can not be determined. If the patient’s condition is serious, the recovery time will be relatively longer. It is recommended that patients with periapical neurorrhaphy develop healthy oral care habits in their daily lives, clean their mouths in time after eating, and keep the habit of brushing their teeth in the morning and at night, which is beneficial to dental health. In addition, patients with periapical neurorrhaphy should eat less hard food. The recovery time for patients with periapical neurorrhaphy cannot be generalized, but patients should follow the doctor’s instructions and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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