Where is the location of the Four Flowers Acupuncture Point of Dong’s Qi Point?

Dong’s Qi points of the Four Flowers can be categorized into Four Flowers Upper, Middle, Secondary, Lower, Inner, and Outer, six different points, all of which are located in the front of the lower leg. The Four Flowers Upper point in Dong’s Qi points is located 3 inches below the External Knee Eye point (the depression formed by the lateral patellar ligament and the medial and lateral condyles of the femur and tibia), on the lateral side of the tibia. The Sihua Middle Point is located 4.5 inches directly below the Sihua Upper Point. The Sihua sub-point is located 2.5 inches directly below the Sihua middle point. The Sihua Lower Point is located 2.5 inches directly below the Sihua Sub-point. The Sihua Li point is located 1.2 inches inward across the middle Sihua point, at the outer edge of the tibia. The Sihua Wai point is located 1.5 inches outward across the middle Sihua point. The Four Flowers points are a group of points whose positions and effects are related. The Four Flowers Upper, Middle, Associate, and Lane points have the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, tonifying qi and blood, and supporting and consolidating the body’s positive qi; the Four Flowers Lower points have the effects of clearing stagnation in the internal organs and promoting qi and relieving pain (relieving pain by regulating the body’s qi); and the Four Flowers Outer points have the effects of invigorating blood and dispelling wind, and promoting circulation of menstruation and relieving pain. If you have any discomfort and need to receive acupuncture treatment, it is recommended to go to a regular medical institution to be operated by a professional practitioner.

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