What to do if your teeth are scaled and inflamed

After scaling inflammation can be local rinsing medicine, oral medication, pay attention to oral hygiene, adjust the diet. Scaling will have some stimulation and damage to the local gums, when the resistance drops, there will be post-scaling inflammation symptoms, such as gums red, swollen, pain, you can local rinse medicine, if necessary, follow the doctor’s instructions for oral cephalosporin antibiotics and metronidazole drugs, anti-infective treatment. When the tooth pain is unbearable, you can take painkillers if necessary. At the same time, pay attention to oral hygiene, choose the correct method of brushing, remove food debris, reduce bacterial contamination of gum wounds, can also be treated with anti-inflammatory mouthwash. Pay attention to the adjustment of diet, for patients with inflammation after scaling should eat light food, eat more vegetables and fruits, do not eat spicy and stimulating food. The above suggestions should be used under the guidance of a professional doctor, do not self-medication, in order to avoid delay or adverse reactions.

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