What’s wrong with a leg that hurts like a pinprick?

Leg pain like pins and needles consider lumbar disc herniation, insect bites, thromboembolic vasculitis, bone fracture and so on. 1. Lumbar disc herniation: Lumbar disc herniation can stimulate the nerves, causing a tingling sensation in the legs. 2. Insect bites: when insects bite the legs, they stimulate the nerve endings in the skin of the legs, which can cause a pinpoint tingling sensation. 3. Thromboembolic vasculitis: Thromboembolic vasculitis is a kind of inflammatory disease of blood vessels, which is segmental, recurrent and occurs in the lower limbs, and the inflammation of blood vessel wall can cause tingling when it stimulates the nerve endings. 4. Fracture: Fracture can cause tingling sensation when it presses the nerve or damages the nerve. Leg pain like pins and needles may also have other pathological factors, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor to give targeted treatment or treatment.

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