Do you need treatment for anal polyps?

Anal polyps usually require treatment. Anorectal polyps are common benign growths of the rectal mucosa. Anal polyps are benign tumors by nature. If long-term untreated defecation action pulling and intestinal peristalsis stimulation, can make the mucous membrane layer around the base of relaxation, can be complicated by rectal prolapse, there will be a certain probability of malignant changes. Therefore, if patients find anal polyps, they should go to regular hospitals as soon as possible for examination and treatment, so as to reduce the chance of cancer. Once patients find polyps, if the symptoms are mild, patients can be treated with medication under the guidance of doctors, such as oral Zengshengping tablets, which can dissolve blood stasis and dissipate knots, inhibit the formation of polyps, and prevent polyps from malignant changes. If the symptoms are not relieved, it should be actively carried out surgical removal, and then sent to the pathology, according to the pathological results to determine the specific treatment program. Patients should eat less spicy and stimulating food in their daily diet, drink less alcohol, and eat more vegetables, fruits and oats and other foods rich in dietary fiber to help defecation, reduce the irritation of the intestinal mucosa, and actively prevent inflammatory diseases of the intestinal tract. It is recommended that high-risk groups, such as over 40 years old, family history, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, regular physical examination, anoscopy and colonoscopy, to observe the presence of intestinal lesions, the discovery of anal polyps, patients should be timely diagnosis of the cause of the disease, standardized treatment under the guidance of a professional doctor to achieve early prevention, early diagnosis and early treatment.

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