What’s wrong with bleeding during ovulation? Is it normal?

Bleeding during ovulation may be caused by hormone level, which is normal, if it is caused by disease factors such as cervical polyps, it is not normal.
1. Hormone levels: Ovulation bleeding may be caused by hormone levels, estrogen will lead to endometrial hyperplasia, follicles in the discharge, estrogen levels will continue to decline, the endometrium will be a small amount of shedding, resulting in a small amount of bleeding, is a normal phenomenon.
2. Disease factors: bleeding during ovulation may be caused by cervical polyps, which are limited hyperplasia of the glands and mesenchyme of the cervical canal, protruding towards the external opening of the cervix, and are related to chronic inflammation and cervical infections, etc. They may also be caused by endometrial polyps, which are mainly related to high estrogen levels and inflammatory stimuli, and are abnormal.
Under normal circumstances, generally do not need treatment, if the disease is caused by the patient is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor, according to the patient’s specific condition, to take targeted treatment, life should develop good habits, ovulation should avoid eating spicy and stimulating food, to promote the recovery of the disease.

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