How to unclog painful milk swelling with hard lumps that can’t be squeezed out?

The hard lumps can be caused by milk stagnation, which needs to be discharged in time, otherwise there may be a risk of mastitis, do not forcefully squeeze to avoid causing damage. You can take hot compresses, massage, empty the breast milk, medication and other methods to relieve. 1. Hot compresses: hot towels or hot water bags can be used to apply hot compresses locally to promote the smooth flow of the mammary glands and absorb the hard lumps. 2. Massage: after hot compresses can be massaged, from the periphery to the nipple gradually advance, massage, pay attention to the technique to be gentle, so as not to cause damage, can be a professional health care personnel to massage. 3. Empty the milk: in the hot compresses, massage after no effective relief, you can use a breast pump to empty the milk, no inflammation can also let the baby suck, stimulate the lactation, usually in the dredging, hard lumps can be absorbed on their own. 4. medication: under the guidance of the doctor with medication to ease the pain of milk swelling patients, can follow the doctor’s instructions to use magnesium sulfate solution wet compresses. And also every day with a hot towel hot compresses and breast massage, to maintain the blood flow of the breast, daily attention should be paid to light, avoid eating greasy, stimulating food, so as not to aggravate the situation of milk.

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