What’s with the unconscious mouth opening?

Unconscious opening of the mouth may be physiological factors, may also be the manifestation of certain diseases, such as facial muscle spasm, Parkinson’s syndrome, respiratory diseases, etc., should be timely consultation to identify the cause of the disease.
1. Physiological factors: some people may form habits if they breathe with their mouths open for a long time, or they may have improper sleeping postures that cause their mouths to open unconsciously during sleep, such as sleeping with their heads tilted up, pulling on the neck muscles, which can easily lead to open-mouth breathing.
2. Pathologic factors:
(1) facial muscle spasm: facial muscle spasm may be facial neuritis, stroke will lead to unconscious mouth opening.
(2) Parkinson’s syndrome: Parkinson’s disease is a multiple morbidity factors, common genetic factors, environmental factors, the aging of the nervous system, will also appear unconscious mouth.
(3) Respiratory diseases: Many respiratory diseases, especially obstructive diseases of the nasal cavity, such as rhinitis, nasal polyps, etc., often lead to poor nasal ventilation and insufficient air volume during sleep, which can also lead to unconscious opening of the mouth and the use of open-mouth breathing to replenish the required air volume.
If unconscious mouth opening occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time to give targeted treatment after the cause is clarified by the doctor.

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