What is the age of puberty for boys?

Puberty for boys is defined as the period between the ages of 12 and 20 years, but because growth and development are continuous, and because the rate of growth and development varies from country to country and from population to population, the age of puberty varies somewhat from textbook to textbook. Currently, the internationally accepted standard for puberty is 10 to 18 for girls and 12 to 20 for boys. Sexual development is one of the important characteristics of puberty, which includes the development of the first and second sexual characteristics. In boys, primary sexual characteristics include the development of the penis and testicles, while secondary sexual characteristics include a low voice, muscularity, prominent laryngeal nodes, increased body hair on the entire body, a beard, and pubic hair. Puberty is also accompanied by psychological changes, with adolescent boys seeking more autonomy, as well as a sense of fulfillment in work and school during this period. Adolescents’ perceptions of self and relationships also change qualitatively during puberty. Parents should pay particular attention to the physical and psychological changes in their adolescent children and should always seek counseling from a child health care provider or psychologist if they have questions.

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