How long can you keep milk refrigerated?

Generally breastmilk can be kept in 0-4℃ refrigerator for 24 hours, if it is more than 24 hours it is recommended to freeze it. The storage temperature of breastmilk is categorized into room temperature, refrigeration and freezing, room temperature is usually recommended within 4 hours, 4℃ refrigerator refrigeration is recommended within 24 hours, and if it is -18℃ refrigerator freezing, it can be stored for 3 months or even longer. Although breast milk can be placed in the refrigerator for storage, but the longer we store, the more nutritional value is lost, storage of breast milk must be stored in a special bag, before storage, it is best to mark the exact time, the milk will be loaded up to do a good job of sealing, it is recommended that you do not mix with other fruits and vegetables these put together to avoid the impact of the deterioration caused. If your baby needs it, you can take it out of the refrigerator and heat it slowly with warm water, not microwave or open flame. If any abnormality occurs after thawing the stored breastmilk, do not feed it to your baby again.

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