What are the dangers of hemisection for nail cancer

The chance of recurrence of thyroid cancer after half excision will be higher than that of full excision, and attention should be paid to the surrounding tissues or organs during the excision process, which will also affect the hormone level to a certain extent. Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor originated from follicular epithelium, and its main manifestation is a painless and obvious lump in the neck. Surgical excision is the best treatment method, which is also divided into two kinds: half-cut and full-cut, but generally try to cut half of it as much as possible. The thyroid gland is very rich in blood vessels, so care should be taken not to damage blood vessels and nerves, such as the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the superior laryngeal nerve, and not to destroy the parathyroid glands, so as not to cause irreversible hypocalcemia, and after the operation, care should be taken to ensure that a hematoma does not form in the location of the incision, so as not to cause asphyxiation and death. The hormones secreted here are mainly thyroxine and calcitonin. Although the remaining half after half-cutting can compensate for its function, it still affects the hormone level and the chance of cancer recurrence will be a little higher.

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