How to tell a mosquito bite from eczema

Mosquito bites are clinically referred to as insect bite dermatitis. Insect bite dermatitis and eczema can be recognized by their etiology, symptoms and size.
1. Etiology: The cause of insect bite dermatitis is mostly related to mosquito bites; the cause of eczema may be related to immune abnormalities, genetics and environmental factors.
2. Symptoms: insect bite dermatitis clinical manifestations of fusiform bright red masses, local erythema, erythema and blisters, common in the waist and buttocks, limb extensor surface, etc.; eczema is mainly manifested as erythema, papules, pimples and blisters, etc., but also oozing, vesicles, itching, mossy changes and other symptoms may occur.
3. Onset area: the number of insect bite dermatitis damage is variable, appear in batches, diffuse occurrence or a few clusters; eczema onset area is larger, if you can’t control it in time, it will gradually spread to the surrounding area, the boundary is not clear.
The difference between insect bite dermatitis and eczema is large, if you want to understand the relevant matters, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital to consult a professional doctor.

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