Does blood creatinine 500μmol/L need dialysis?

Whether dialysis is needed for blood creatinine 500μmol/L is related to various factors such as the cause of creatinine elevation and the presence of complications. If creatinine increase is caused by acute kidney injury, after correcting reversible factors, kidney function will recover gradually, then dialysis may not be needed; if it is caused by chronic renal insufficiency and combined with complications such as acute left heart failure and hyperkalemia, then dialysis is needed.
Blood creatinine 500μmol/L may be caused by acute kidney injury or chronic renal insufficiency. If acute kidney injury causes elevated creatinine, such as gastrointestinal fluid loss, massive blood loss, obstruction and other factors lead to it, renal function may gradually recover after actively correcting reversible factors, and dialysis may not be needed at this time.
If the patient is chronic renal insufficiency, combined with complications such as hyperkalemia that cannot be corrected by drugs, acute left heart failure, etc., which may be life-threatening, then dialysis treatment is needed.
If the patient is found to have blood creatinine 500μmol/L, it is recommended to go to regular hospitals in time, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and then give targeted treatment or therapy under the guidance of the doctor.

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