What to do if a pregnant woman has kidney yin deficiency

Kidney yin deficiency in pregnant women can be treated with proprietary Chinese medicines such as Six-flavored Di Huang Pills under the guidance of a physician, or it can be regulated by eating some raw di Huang congee, which needs to be used under the guidance of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Kidney yin deficiency refers to the loss of kidney yin, loss of nourishment, deficiency heat internal disturbance, to waist and knee soreness and pain, dizziness, tinnitus, five heart heat (two hands and two feet heart heat, and consciously heart and chest heat), hot flashes night sweating (after going to sleep sweating abnormally, waking up sweating to stop), bone evaporation fever, etc., as the main manifestation of the deficiency heat symptom. The main treatment principle for kidney yin deficiency is to nourish yin and clear heat. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, and can be used to treat kidney yin deficiency, dizziness and tinnitus, lumbar and knee soreness and weakness, bone evaporation and tidal fever (a burst of heat, feeling that the heat comes from inside the bone to the outside), night sweating and spermatorrhea, and other conditions. The adverse effects of the drug are not clear, note that it is not advisable to take cold and flu medicines while taking the drug. In addition, you can eat some food such as raw dihuang porridge in your daily life to relieve the discomfort. Pregnant women need to be especially cautious in the use of medication, and it is recommended that pregnant women with the above mentioned symptoms should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner in a timely manner to identify the symptoms and use the right medication, rather than blindly using the medication on their own, so as to avoid any adverse effects on the pregnant woman and the fetus.

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