Do children’s replacement teeth have roots?

Roots are also present in children’s milk teeth during tooth replacement, but they are usually absorbed when the milk teeth are lost.
Children’s milk teeth also have roots. The roots of milk teeth generally go through three periods, i.e., the developmental formation period, the relative stabilization period, and the period of root loss and resorption.
When a baby tooth erupts, the root is generally in the developmental period. After about 2~3 years it will enter the relative stabilization period. Then the root enters the resorption phase and the baby teeth are gradually lost and replaced.
In daily life, children’s milk teeth are not seen to have roots, but are actually milk teeth that have been lost after the roots have been resorbed.
If children have difficulty in shedding their milk teeth during tooth replacement, or if their teeth are erupting from a different place, they need to go to the hospital in a timely manner.

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