What to do if a little boy’s penis is enlarged and repeatedly inflamed

The enlarged penis of a young boy is repeatedly inflamed, affected by the condition of the foreskin, and the corresponding condition requires anti-infective treatment, circumcision, and daily care. 1. Anti-infective treatment: repeated inflammation, need to follow the doctor’s advice regular application of anti-inflammatory drugs, commonly used drugs such as cefixime, amoxicillin, levofloxacin. 2. Circumcision: long foreskin or circumcision may cause recurrent inflammation, if the above situation exists, you need to perform circumcision. 3. Daily care: usually pay attention to personal hygiene, pay attention to ensure that the skin is dry and breathable, change underwear, avoid repeated local stimulation, pay attention to control the diet, do not eat spicy and stimulating food. The boy penis enlargement repeated inflammation has not been recovered, need to go to the regular hospital in time to diagnose the specific physical condition, and under the guidance of clinicians to standardize the treatment, to avoid causing delays in the condition.

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