What is the reason for the sudden increase in blood over 10 days after a cesarean section?

Cesarean section more than 10 days suddenly more blood may be the cause of uterine cavity residue, infection, poor uterine regeneration, poor healing uterine incision and so on.
1. Uterine residual: when there is placenta, fetal membranes or meconium left in the uterine cavity, the residual tissues will undergo degeneration, necrosis and mechanization, and when the necrotic tissues are detached, the blood vessels at the base of the uterine cavity will be exposed, which will lead to profuse bleeding, which can be diagnosed with the combination of history and ultrasound examination.
2. Infection: such as acute endometritis, myometritis, etc., also due to pathogens invade the endometrium and placenta peeling surface, and cause the placenta peeling surface of poor depreciation and uterine contraction, so that the blood sinus closure is incomplete, resulting in uterine bleeding. It is also accompanied by fever, foul-smelling discharge and other symptoms, and can be diagnosed by ultrasonography and laboratory tests.
3. Poor uterine regeneration: it can lead to incomplete regeneration of the placental attachment surface and reopen the blood sinuses, causing uterine bleeding, which is manifested as sudden and massive vaginal bleeding, and can be diagnosed by ultrasonography, gynecological examination, and other aids in diagnosis.
4. Poor healing of uterine incision: poor healing of uterine incision due to improper alignment of uterine incision and infection of the incision may cause reopening of blood sinuses, resulting in heavy vaginal bleeding. Diagnosis can be assisted by ultrasonography, etc.
Cesarean section more than 10 days suddenly more blood when you need to go to the hospital, in order to identify the cause as soon as possible, and actively treat the symptoms.

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