What are the causes of bladder stone formation?

Bladder stones can be formed due to kidney stones, ureteral stones entering the bladder or due to urine retention in the bladder, or they can be caused by dietary factors. General measures need to be taken to regulate the condition, and surgical treatment is needed if necessary.
1. If there are kidney stones in the kidney area or ureteral stones in the ureter, the stones from these two areas enter the bladder and will form bladder stones.
2. In addition, patients with urethral stenosis, prostate hyperplasia, bladder foreign body, bladder diverticulum and other diseases or lead to obstruction of the lower urinary tract, and obstruction of the lower urinary tract will lead to urine retention in the bladder, when the water in the urine is absorbed, the concentration of calcium, oxalic acid, phosphate and other components of the urine will increase, which will also lead to the formation of bladder stones.
3. Dietary factors: If you consume foods with too much oxalic acid and phosphate over a long period of time, it can promote the formation of stones.
Bladder stones may also be caused by other factors, it is recommended that patients with bladder stones need to consult a doctor in a timely manner to check the cause of the disease, to take appropriate treatment measures for the cause.

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