Which acupressure point is good to press for asthma

Clinical points commonly used in the treatment of asthma are fixed asthma point, danzhong point, lung Yu point, etc. 1.
1. fixed asthma point: located in the seventh cervical vertebra under the spinous process, 0.5 inches aside, with a cough and asthma (stop coughing, calm wheezing), lungs and lungs, the efficacy of descending, clinically commonly used in asthma, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, shoulder and back pain, and so on.
2. Tanzhong Point: Located in the chest, the intersection between the line of the two nipples and the center line is the Tanzhong Point. Clinical applications for chest pain, palpitations (rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by panic), asthma, cough, hiccups (hiccups), mastitis, lactation, wheezing and coughing.
3. Lung Yu Point: The point is located on the back of the body, under the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebrae, 1.5 inches to the side. It has the effect of tonifying lung qi, replenishing deficiency and clearing away heat, promoting the lung to resolve phlegm, relieving cough and asthma, and is clinically used to treat respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and other conditions.
Acupuncture points used to relieve asthma also include Shakuzawa point, Shusanli point, Fenglong point, Anguoji point, Qihai point, Guanyuan point, Zhongkou point, and Spleen Yu point.
Acupressure can only be used as an adjunctive treatment, and the operation of acupuncture points should be carried out under the guidance of professionals. If the patient’s asthma symptoms are severe, or if the symptoms persist and do not improve, the patient should go to the hospital in time for treatment.

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