What should I do if my baby has diarrhea after getting a cold stomach?

Baby’s stomach after cold always dilute can be adjusted through general care, medication treatment. 1. general care: for the baby after the cold always diluted, parents should pay attention to the baby’s abdomen to keep warm, to avoid the abdomen is cold. In the baby diarrhea, parents should timely give the baby supplemental water, to prevent water electrolyte disorders; parents should also timely change diapers for the baby, and use warm water to scrub the buttocks, perianal, to prevent infections, rashes and other situations. 2. medication: for diarrhea serious baby, parents can follow the doctor’s orders to the baby with bifidobacteria, Saccharomyces boulardii and other probiotics to regulate intestinal flora, but also available antidiarrheal drugs, such as montelukast, can protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, adsorption of toxins and so on. If diarrhea leads to severe dehydration, the baby can be rehydrated by intravenous infusion. It is recommended that babies with diarrhea after being exposed to cold should consult a doctor in time, and the baby should be treated under the guidance of the doctor. The above drugs should be used according to the doctor’s prescription.

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