What is a high platelet count?

High platelet count may be reactive elevation such as acute infection, acute hemolysis, etc., or primary elevation such as primary thrombocythemia, true erythrocytosis. 1. Reactive elevation: patients with acute hemolysis and acute infection will have transient elevation of platelet count due to active hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. After controlling the primary disease, the platelet count of the patients will usually drop to the normal range gradually. 2. Primary elevation: Certain hematological diseases such as primary thrombocythemia, true erythrocytosis and early stage of primary myelofibrosis may cause elevated platelet counts due to abnormal bone marrow proliferation, and such patients should undergo further tests to determine the cause of the disease. Patients with severely elevated platelets may need oral aspirin anti-platelet, subcutaneous injection of hydroxyurea, interferon to reduce platelets and other treatments. Warm reminder: patients with high platelet counts should consult a doctor in time, improve the relevant examinations to clarify the diagnosis and treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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