Can pregnant women eat pork liver?

Pregnant women should be careful to eat pork liver in moderation, but they should pay attention to the cooking, otherwise they are prone to poisoning. Pregnant women eating pig liver has the following benefits: First, supplement blood, pig liver is rich in iron. Each 100g of pork liver contains 270mg of phosphorus and 25mg of iron. The rich phosphorus and iron are necessary for human hematopoiesis and can improve and correct iron deficiency anemia, so it has been considered as the best blood supplement during pregnancy. Second, to supplement the nutrients needed by the body, pig liver is also a place to store nutrients, pregnant women eating pig liver can also take in protein, lecithin and calcium and other trace elements. Third, to protect the eyes of pregnant women, pig liver is rich in vitamin A, which can be used to improve eye discomfort. If symptoms such as blurred vision and dry eyes caused by liver and blood deficiency occur during late pregnancy, you can choose to eat pig liver to help. Although pig liver has the effect of nourishing blood and brightening the eyes, it also has side effects. Women who overeat pig liver in early pregnancy are prone to vaginal bleeding and even miscarriage. It has also been shown that eating large amounts of pork liver in the middle and late stages of pregnancy can easily give birth to babies with allergies, and preterm delivery can also easily occur in the late stages of pregnancy, so pregnant women should eat pork liver in moderation for the health of their fetus.

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