What is intermittent pneumonia?

There is no such thing as “interstitial pneumonia”, which generally refers to interstitial pneumonia, a disease of inflammation and fibrosis of the interstitium of the lungs caused by a variety of reasons. 1. The etiology of interstitial pneumonia is not clear, and it is currently considered to be related to the environment, drugs, connective tissue disease or vasculitis. And heredity, smoking, environmental exposure, gastroesophageal reflux, and viral infections are all risk factors for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. 2. In the early stage, patients with interstitial pneumonia will only experience symptoms of dyspnea during activities, and with the development of the disease, a persistent dry cough can also occur, and some patients may also be accompanied by fever, fatigue, neurasthenia, dry eyes, weight loss and other phenomena. 3. Although interstitial pneumonia patients with pulmonary fibrosis can not be reversed, but patients still need to actively target treatment to improve the quality of life and prolong the survival period. It is recommended that patients with interstitial pneumonia clarify their condition in a timely manner and under the guidance of a doctor for systematic treatment.

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