Pre-seizure signs in children

Pre-seizure signs in children include irritability, abnormal sensations, and dizziness.
Epilepsy in children is a neurological disorder with a long course and recurrent seizures, with symptoms such as sudden convulsions, muscle twitching and even cognitive impairment. Some children have certain signs before seizure, including irritability, trance, hyperactivity, numbness of hands and feet, slight shaking of limbs, dizziness, etc. Therefore, parents need to be vigilant if they are epileptic children and these symptoms occur.
Prolonged and frequent abnormal discharges in children with epilepsy can lead to brain damage and even persistent neuropsychiatric disorders. It is often treated with drugs such as carbamazepine and sodium valproate. Timely and standardized treatment and control can reduce the impact on the child’s growth and development and physical and mental health, and most children with epilepsy can have their seizures controlled or even cured through treatment.
Therefore, for children with epilepsy, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions to use medication on time, regular review, and reduce panic, strong stimulation and other triggers of seizures. The above medications need to be used as prescribed by the doctor.

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