What are the most effective treatments for indigestion

The treatment of dyspepsia needs to be chosen according to the type of disease and the condition of the organism, so there is no most effective way. Usually, it includes daily lifestyle modification, drug intervention, and so on. 1. Adjustment of daily life style: When dyspepsia is mild, it can be intervened by adjusting daily life style and diet structure, avoiding staying up late, avoiding spicy, stimulating and greasy food intake, and adjusting the patient’s mindset. 2. Pharmacological intervention: dyspepsia can usually be intervened with gastrointestinal stimulants under the guidance of a doctor, generally including domperidone, mosapride, itopride, etc. This kind of drug may cause dizziness, nausea and other adverse reactions, allergic to drug components or severe liver dysfunction is prohibited. The same disease, the patient’s physical condition is different, different stages of the disease, the treatment method is different, should be standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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