What causes a fetus to suddenly lose its heartbeat?

The sudden absence of a heartbeat in the fetus may be fetal arrest. Fetal arrest is caused by fetal chromosomal abnormalities, maternal factors, and decreased quality of male sperm. 1. Fetal chromosome abnormality: it is the main cause of fetal arrest. If abortion needs to be induced, it is recommended that the embryonic tissue after induced abortion be sent for examination to find out the cause. 2. Maternal factors: such as pathogenic bacterial infections, diabetes, chronic hypertension, abnormal uterine development, bad habits, exposure to toxic and harmful substances. The mother suffers from certain basic diseases that are not conducive to the conception of the fetus, which will seriously affect fetal development and even eventually lead to fetal arrest. 3. Father factors: such as the decline in sperm quality. If the quality of sperm decreases, the fertilized egg that combines with the egg will be defective, and then the development process will not be smooth, which may eventually lead to fetal arrest. Other, such as environmental pollution, X-rays, etc. can also lead to fetal arrest. When you find that your fetus suddenly has no heartbeat, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible and take care of the problem under the guidance of your doctor.

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