Gastritis Gastric ulcer What is the difference between duodenal ulcers?

The difference between gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer lies in different sites, different symptoms and different pathogenesis. 1. Different sites: gastritis and gastric ulcer occur in the stomach, while duodenal ulcer occurs in the duodenum, mostly located in the duodenal bulb. 2. Symptoms are different: gastritis common symptoms include epigastric pain and bloating, belching (burping), loss of appetite, acid reflux, nausea and vomiting, as well as fatigue, constipation or diarrhea, etc.; gastric ulcer pain occurs half an hour after a meal, and lasts for 1-2 hours and gradually disappears. Duodenal ulcer pain is typical of abdominal pain or night pain, usually after eating the symptoms can be relieved. 3. Different pathogenesis: the main pathogenesis of chronic gastritis is Helicobacter pylori infection; gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers are mainly pathogenic factors caused by gastric acid, pepsin on the gastric mucosa invasive effect of the mucous membrane and the mucous membrane barrier of the defense ability of the balance between the same time Helicobacter pylori infection is also another important causative factor of peptic ulcers. If the patient has the above situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time, after a clear examination, and actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment.

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