Can Angelica Sinensis and Radix Astragali be taken together?

Angelica sinensis and Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng and Radix Astragali can be taken together to have the effect of tonifying qi and nourishing blood.
Angelica has the effects of tonifying and activating blood, relieving pain and regulating menstruation, and moistening the intestines, and can treat pallor, dizziness, weakness and palpitations following blood deficiency. It can also treat irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea due to stagnation of blood stasis, and can also relieve intestinal dryness and constipation. Note that it is contraindicated for people with dampness (too much dampness causing fullness and discomfort in the spleen and stomach) and loose stools.
Codonopsis can strengthen the spleen, replenish qi, nourish blood and promote the production of fluids, and has therapeutic effects on poor appetite, loose stools and weakness of the spleen and stomach. It can also treat thirst with deficiency of fluid. Note that it should not be used for solid or hot cases without deficiency of positive qi, and should not be used with veratrum.
Astragalus can replenish Qi and consolidate the surface (consolidating the muscle surface by replenishing Qi), generate fluids and nourish blood, which is helpful for weakness of the spleen and stomach such as malaise, bloating, poor appetite, loose stools and prolapse of organs, coughing and wheezing due to deficiency of lung Qi, and palpitation and malaise due to deficiency of Qi and blood. The adverse reactions and contraindications of this medicine are not known.
Chinese medicines need to be used under the guidance of a TCM doctor’s diagnosis, do not use the medicine privately, so as not to cause damage to the organism.

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