Can nitroglycerin ointment be applied to the penis?

Nitroglycerin ointment should not be applied to the penis. Nitroglycerin ointment is mainly used for the treatment of anal fissure and anal pain conditions, as a topical drug, after application may appear dizziness, headache, blurred vision, fatigue, fatigue and other adverse reactions, allergic to the product, minors, low blood pressure and other underlying diseases patients are prohibited; pregnant women and breastfeeding women should be used with caution. Nitroglycerin ointment does not have the efficacy of treating penis-related conditions, applying the penis can not play any therapeutic effect, but also may produce adverse reactions to the drug, so this product can not be applied to the penis. If the patient has a pubic inflammation, you can apply erythromycin ointment and other medications; if you have sexual dysfunction, you can apply lidocaine cream treatment, usually should maintain pubic hygiene, light diet, avoid masturbation and so on. If patients need to use nitroglycerin ointment, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital, under the guidance of a doctor, do not self-medication to avoid adverse consequences.

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